Duration: 15-20 min
Number of players: 2-4 player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Set of the game
Publisher: Zoch Verlag
Language: English
Links: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3570/chicken-cha-cha-cha

 Chickens are learning to dance (“cha cha”) by completing circuits around the yard.

Short description/ Goal of the game:

Theme: Chickens are learning to dance (“cha cha”) by completing circuits around the yard.

Goal: To “cha cha” your chicken past every single other player’s chicken, stealing each one’s “tail feathers” as you go by them. The first player to collect all of the tail feathers wins.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives:

  • improves reflex, observation skills
  • strengthen the memory

Recommendations for use: 

  • people 4+ years old
  • for multicultural groups

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

  • use the cards as a memory card

Feedback questions

  • What skills have you improved?
  • What have you learned during the game and about yourself as well?
  • What were the key elements in the game in order to succeed?
  • What other skills can you improve while playing this game?
  • What made the game challenging?
  • What did the game make you reflect about ?

Further discussion topics

  • What do you know about caring for poultry?