Duration: 40 mins
Number of players: 5-30 player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Set of the game
Publisher: ESC Solidarity Project “Aprovecha tu experiencia ESC”
Language: Spanish
Links: http://mystory.amics.eu/archivos/276

A deck full of cards with questions where the main aim is to ask each other in order to know more about the people.

Short description/ Goal of the game:
A deck full of cards with questions where the main aim is to ask each other in order to know more about the people. The game was created thinking on the arrivals of new ESC volunteers to the organizations in order to know each other more.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives:

  • Develops creativity, personal skills (thinking out of the box), improves lateral thinking, creativity, self-expressing skills, paying attention to others without prejudice
  • Helps to connect with people

Recommendations for use:

  • As an icebreaker
  • For team building
  • With volunteers

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

  • Take out the questions that are specific for volunteers and play with the general ones

Feedback questions

  • What have you learned about communication?
  • What have you learned about yourself?
  • What were the key elements in the game in order to succeed?
  • What skills can you improve while playing this game?
  • What made the game challenging?

Further discussion topics

  • In real life who would you ask any of the given questions? Why?