Letter Jam

A cooperative word game where players guess words from letters around the table.

Duration: 45 min
Number of players: 2 – 6
Material: cards
Link: https://pen-en-pion.nl/en/practising-spelling-and-logical-thinking/

Short description

Each player gets a pile of letter cards. From those cards, she secretly chooses five to make a word out of. Once everyone has made a word, you pass the five cards closed to the player to your right. That player will now guess your word.

You guess the word by giving each other hints. And with that comes cooperation in this game. Beforehand, you discuss who has good hints and what kind of hints they are.

Educational Value

  • Practicing spelling of words.  
  • Activating vocabulary.
  • Using logical thinking to combine information and use deduction.

Recommendation for use

This game is a great way to practice spelling. But it also practices logical thinking, because players have to combine the information they’re given by the other players. Because this game depends on the hints the players give to each other, it is good to have a game master who monitors if the hints are.

The game play can take some time to understand, so keep time reserved for introducing the game and learning how to play.

Tips and tricks

  • Let people work in teams to give them extra control over the spelling-part. 
  • Use the letter cards to play other word games.

Watch a video