A game about migration and border control.
Duration: 20+ min Number of players: 1 Material: Computer / tablet / mobile Link: https://papersplea.se/ |
Short description
Play as a border inspector in the fictional country of Arzotska and make decisions about who to let in your country, and who won’t get in.
Educational Value
- Decision making based on people’s lives.
- Awareness of and discussion about migration issues.
- This games touches the empathy of players.
Recommendation for use
- This game plays easy on tablet and phone.
- The game is a fictional situation and needs translating into real world questions.
- Since there is no tutorial and in-game help, the game can be a difficult game to play.
Tips and tricks
- Schools can get a discount of 10%. More information: https://3909.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052481194-Educational-Usage
- Read what other teachers think of this game: https://www.commonsense.org/education/reviews/papers-please
Image: https://papersplea.se