Everyday adventures

Learning to be creative and find inspiration in daily life.

Duration: 10+ min
Number of players: 1 (plays in a group)
Material: cards
Link: https://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/everyday-adventures/

Short description

As grown-ups, one of our deepest urges is for life to be more adventurous: a little more excitement, novelty, interest and passion. Unfortunately, many adventures, especially the ‘big’ kinds, are too expensive, threaten to upturn everything and can upset those who rely on us. What we therefore badly need is access to smaller, more pocket-sized adventures to get us of our comfort zone.

Educational Value

These are ‘Everyday Adventures’ – from something tiny like eating an unfamiliar fruit from the market to rereading your favourite book to asking a parent what they were like as a teenager. This is a suggestion box to spark the imagination, revive the spirit and motivate us towards the slightly more adventurous lives we long for.

Adventures include:

  • Write down five questions you wish someone else would ask you; ask them of someone else. 
  • Set your alarm before sunrise and go for a walk.
  • Complete the sentence: ‘If I wasn’t afraid of failure, I would…’ Tell a friend your answer.
  • Make something nice out of beetroot.

Recommendation for use

Small adventures are easier than the big adventures. It helps with getting out there, changing your life bit by bit. It also helps people how are uncomfortable with change.

Tips and tricks

  • Fun assignments for groups to get to know each other.
  • Assignments in tutoring situations to help students learn and grow more confident.
  • Pick cards for groups with specific tasks.

Image: https://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/everyday-adventures/