White people can not rap (Weiße können nicht rappen)

Duration: 40-60 min
Number of plyers: 2-30
Materials: Card Set
Links: https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/paedagogik/produkte/details/33442-weisse-koennen-nicht-rappen-das-positionierungsspiel-gegen-vorurteile-und-klischees.html#:~:text=Anhand%20von%2024%20Thesen%20sch%C3%A4rft,bis%20hin%20zu%20%C2%BBGut%20so!

Learn more about inclusion and diversity!

Short Description

Based on 24 notorious theses, our positioning game sharpens the perception for discriminatory, racist, sexist and homophobic statements and clearly illustrates the difference between prejudices, stereotypes and various forms of discrimination. Ten colourful positioning cards – ranging from “Good so!” to “Nasty racist! – invite active movement of group members in the room and allow individual attitudes to the statements to be made visible. The enclosed info cards also support the game leader in the subsequent discussion with well-founded factual and background knowledge about the respective thesis.

Educational Value

  • Knowledge and personal skills: tolerance, prejudice, discrimination
  • Becoming more sensitive for discriminatory statements and behavior

Recommendations for use

The game can be played in two different ways:

  • allowing positioning on the individual statements through movement in the room
  • guided discussions with an exchange of views

Tips and Tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The group should be open for a discussion and be sensitive regarding the topic of discrimination and racism.
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
Was it easy for me to discover discrimination?
Which discriminatory statement surprised me the most?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
What did you learn new about discrimination?
What suggestions can you imagine incorporating into your everyday life?
Further discussion topics

  • Discrimination
  • Racism
  • Diversity