Planet A

Duration: 15-45 min
Number of players: 2-5
Materials: Card Set

Do not give up and help save our planet!!!

Short description

Fight against it and save our blue planet. Natural disasters and yesterday’s political parties will get in your way. Do not give up. Step by step we save the earth, as long as everyone joins in.
All players must complete a secret task: either collect cards on a theme in your hand or help Team Planet A collect cards in the middle of the table. The first to solve three tasks wins. The environmental disaster, environmental hero and environmental activist cards shake up the game.

Educational Value

  • Develop personal and professional skills – tolerance, communication and problem solving
  • Knowledge about the climate change and how to fight with it

Recommendations for use

  • The game is perfect for young and old people to learn more about how to fight climate change

Tips and Tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The game gives good opportunities for further discussions and self-reflection about suggestions which can be applied in everyday life 
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
What have I done so far in my everyday life to protect the environment?
Did you find some information surprising to you?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
What suggestions can you imagine incorporating into your everyday life?
Further discussion topics

  • Climate Change
  • Take action
  • Sustainable Living