Mobility Safari

Duration: 20 min
Number of players: 4-6
Materials: Mobility Safari board game
Link: Mobility Safari | Play!UC: Playing with Urban Complexity (

Realize innovative and sustainable Urban Projects

Short Description

In Mobility Safari during a period of five years (= 5 rounds) players try to realise as many innovative urban mobility projects as possible in the categories “innovative & educational”, “fair & safe” , “active & healthy” and “flexible & connected”. The spatial basis therefor is the Vienna city map which forms the game board and contains barriers like the Danube river, the underground railway network as well as some of the important urban development areas.

Educational Value

  • Getting to know the mobility strategy Vienna

Develop personal and professional skills – teamwork, project management, financial skills, knowledge about urban development projects, social interaction, sustainability

Recommendations for use

  • You should play this game in quiet surroundings.
  • Plan enough time to include a debriefing activity to deepen the learning experience and learning outcomes

Tips and tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: This game should only be played by focused players and can be perfectly embedded in a workshop about sustainable cities. 
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
Which project was the most import one for me?
What do I find most important in a city?
Did you find some projects difficult to implement? Why?  
Did you have any institutional questions? 
Which project is the most sustainable?
How they would help you understand the world?
Was it easy to team up for realizing a project?
Further discussion topics

  • Future living
  • Smart City
  • Diversity