Identity lotto (Identitätenlotto)

Duration: 90 min
Number of players: 2-6
Materials: Board game set with cards
Link: Identitätenlotto – Ein Spiel quer durchs Leben (

Experience living through another identity…

Short Description

What is life like in another identity? This question guides you through the game. With your new, randomly drawn game identity, you live in Germany (Austria, Switzerland) and go through various life themes such as everyday life, self-image and family. In addition to everyday events, your game identity encounters questions about life.

Educational Value

  • Learning about diversity, new insides about prejudices and inequality, Gender, Nationality, Sexuality
  • Develop personal skills – tolerance, empathy, communication, active listening, argumentation

Recommendations for use

  • Target group: people from 15-99 years

Tips and tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The game is great as an icebreaker for the topic of self-identification and diversity. 
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
How am I?
How would I identify myself?
Which information made me think the most?
How did you feel?
Did some of your feelings surprise you?
What biases have you noticed?
How can we prevent prejudice ourselves?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
How they would help you understand the world?
Further discussion topics

  • Self-Identification
  • Tolerance
  • Understanding