
Duration: 30-90 min
Number of players: 1-6
Materials: Game set

Short Description

Whether playing cooperatively or against each other, the rules of Ecogon are simple: assemble animals, plants, and habitats so that as many species as possible find a place to survive. Your small ecosystem will be changed and damaged again and again by event cards. Only when it is stable enough will you be victorious.

Educational Value

  • Develop personal and professional skills – teamwork, tolerance, empathy, communication, active listening
  • Learning new facts about the environment and nature

Recommendations for use

You can use the game as icebreaker for the topic environmental protection

Tips and Tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: You can the game together or against each other, depending on the learning objective/ group.

Feedback questions
What did I learn new from this activity?
Which data made me think the most?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
Did you find that some answers surprised you?
Which event cards were the most challenging?
Was it easy to cooperate with the others?
How they would help you understand the world?
Further discussion topics

  • Biodiversity 
  • Climate Change
  • Teamwork