E wins

Duration: 45 min
Number of players: 2-4 player/s
Material: Board game
Link: https://shop.egewinnt.de

Board Game about electromobility, climate change and the environment

Short Description:

“E wins” is a board game in which you can playfully explore the phenomenon of electro mobility. The game figures are modelled after six different electric cars – from the “sustainable sun worshipper” to the “sporty Mission X”. The individual e-cars differ in terms of battery size, charging capacity and consumption. The aim of the game is to drive once across Europe. You can determine the destination with the “route app” using a QR code.

Educational Value:

– Develop personal and professional skills – tolerance, communication and problem solving
– Knowledge about the challenges of electromobility

Recommendations for use:

– The game is perfect for young and old people to learn more about electromobility
– Icebreaking/ warm up

Tips and Tricks:

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: This can lead to an exchange on the respective topic about future mobility in general or more specifically about electromobility.
Feedback questions
– What can I learn from this activity?
– Did you find some information surprising?
– What competences can you develop through this game? 
Which challenges come with electromobility?
Further discussion topics

– Engineering 
– Public Transport
– Electromobility