Diversity – Online knowledge game

Duration: 15-30min
Number of players: min 2
Materials: online link
Link: Diversity: Das Online-Wissensspiel – Für Diversity in der Arbeitswelt (charta-der-vielfalt.de)

Test your knowledge!

Short description

The online knowledge game tests your own knowledge of diverse topics. Depending on your level of knowledge, you can start with the basic version or jump straight into the challenging pro quiz. The quizzes are available in German and English.

Educational Value

  • Develop knowledge of the different dimensions of diversity 
  • Learning new facts about religion, sexuality, culture and age

Recommendations for use

  • Fits very well for trainees, workers and interested people
  • Plan enough time to include a debriefing activity to deepen the learning experience and learning outcomes
  • For further motivation, you can also offer a small prize for the winner

Tips and tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: You can use the game as icebreaker for the topic diversity

Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
Which personal topics do you like to talk about, and which ones don’t?
Which questions were easy to answer and which weren’t?
What diversity dimensions did you recognize in the game?
How they would help you understand the world?
Have you ever heard of Unconscious Bias?
Further discussion topics

  • Prejudice
  • Discrimination
  • Tolerance