Gefühlsmonster Cards

Duration: 15+ min
Number of players: 1+ player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Card set “Gefühlsmonster Cards”
Publisher: Gefühlsmonster GmbH
Language: Language independent

Short description

“Gefühlsmonster Cards” are a tool aiding and simplifying any kind of communication about feelings. The Gefühlsmonster cards can be used in a variety of ways depending on particular area of application. Choose a topic that you are interested in to read about specific suggestions for using the cards.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

  • Sometimes it is not easy to say what is going on inside. In that case can be let the Gefühlsmonster speak.
  • The Gefühlsmonster cards help you reflect upon yourself in your private and professional context.
  • The Gefühlsmonster cards introduce a humourous atmosphere to groups and make it easier to talk.
  • Looking at the pictures on the Gefühlsmonster Cards can make a conversation easier and more nuanced

Recommendations for use

  • The Gefühlsmonster cards can be used in a variety of ways depending on your partiular area of application. Choose a topic that you are interested in to read about specific suggestions for using the cards.
  • Gefühlsmonster cards as a communication tool for professional & personal use.
  • Areas of application using cards – Education and social work, counseling, personal use, corporate etc.

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

Cards also can be used as Icebreaking.

Feedback questions

With the Gefühlsmonsters, as a trainer, you have an effective and easy-to-carry instrument in your pocket for energizer exercises, input on communication, or for an effective and lasting clarification of feelings in particular situations.
How was the activity?
What was the most challenging?
What did you enjoy the most?

Further discussion topics
Life goals and values
Lifelong learning