Age of Adventure

Duration: 15+ min
Number of players: 1+ player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Cards “Age of Adventure”
nnovative Resources
Language: Language independent

Short description

Welcome to Age of Adventure, a delightful, photography-based card set that celebrates the energy and contribution of older community members. These vibrant full-colour photographs explore the many ways in which seniors engage with their communities, relationships, daily routines, and their intellectual and physical endeavours.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

Representing individuals, groups and couples, Age of Adventure is about validating older people’s life choices, and showing that ‘life isn’t over until it’s over!’

Recommendations for use

Use these 50 full-colour cards as conversation prompts and a challenge to the stereotyping of older community members. The images can be used to encourage young people to consider the life choices they make and influence their road toward later fulfillment. This versatile card set can also be used to promote better understanding between the generations, both in communities and within families.

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

You can also give cards to the learners and invite them to go outside for a walk during which they answer questions, speak, and share thoughts! 

Feedback questions

How was the activity?
What was the most challenging?
What did you enjoy the most?

Further discussion topics

Elderly people to minimize ageing discrimination

Lifelong learning