Duration: 60+ min
Number of players: 2+ player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Cards “Design Thinking Toolkit”
Publisher: Design Elevator
Language: LV, EN

Short description

“Design Thinking Toolkit” is an actionable tool to apply Design Thinking in your business and personal projects whether you are an individual, startup or a seasoned company. It helps you understand better and question the status quo and guides you through tools and framework you need to kick off your projects, and bring your ideas to life.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

Design Thinking is about looking at the context from a strong user centred perspective, design thinking is about working in teams that are multidisciplinary, and helps you solve wicked problems. With an open design attitude that questions the obvious and seeks feedback.

Recommendations for use

  • “Design Thinking Toolkit” will assist to:
    •  (re-)design products or services
    • develop or improve processes
    • adapt or create your business model and ecosystem
    • Innovate !

The toolkit is devised in 7 section and contains 54 cards, each section starts by explaining the mood and attitude to observe and ends with a synthesis card.

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

Depending on the situation/ needs you can select cards with specific questions/ topics.

Feedback questions

How was the activity?
What was the most challenging?
What did you enjoy the most?

Further discussion topics

Lifelong learning
Design thinking

Personal development