Learning in Transition

Duration: 20 – 40 min
Number of players: 4-6 player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Card set “Learning in Transition”
Publisher: LIMINA OG
Language: EN
Links: https://www.limina.at/card-set/

Short description

“Learning in Transition” – the set of cards on the topic learning to learnis based on a story-telling approach and the concept of learning biography. We learn predominantly through experiences and stories have the power to re-connect us with these experiences – and make it possible to learn from them, to gain awareness about oneself as well as others. Stories – especially personal ones – have the potential to unmask, reveal and let emerge new insights; since they often come from a deeper source than the brain.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

  • On each card you find the beginning of a sentence that can inspire you to tell a story or share a reflection.
  • There are 3 main categories of cards:
  • The green EXPLORE cards (24 cards): This set of cards invite you to tell stories connected to you as a learner, to your learning biography.
    • The orange ENGAGING cards (24 cards): This set of cards can help you to design or adjust your profile as a learner. What kind of learner are you, what supports you or block you?

The blue EMERGING cards (19 cards): This set of cards is designed to stimulate discussions and to exchange viewpoints on and around the topic of learning. It is not about having THE right answer but gaining more perspectives on the topic.

Recommendations for use

  • These cards are yours, of course, to use in whatever ways make sense and work for you: for your self-reflection as a learner, to gain more awareness as an educator, to reflect together with colleagues on your approach to learning, in trainings to work with groups on the topic of learning to learn, in mentoring and coaching, and many other contexts.
  • As the three categories already hint Learning in Transition is there to explore, engage and (let) emerge. If your wish is to explore and connect to your learning biography(ies) focus on the green cards and tell stories. If your wish is more to discover your current learning preferences or styles and share this in a group to see the diversity take the orange pack. If your wish is to have dialogue about learning more in general the blue set of cards are most useful.

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needsIf you feel there was already enough talking and you have a need to activate other intelligences include the “Activity-Cards” – Riming, Miming, Drawing, Telling and Joker; and suddenly there is reflection, storytelling and exchange also using non-verbal methods.
In the box you will find some proposals for exercises with the cards – but of course many more are possible.

Feedback questions
– Individual self-reflection
What can I learn from this activity?
Which question made me think the most?
– Pairs conversations
Did you find some answers that surprised you? Which ones and why?
Which questions were the most challenging?  Why?
-Discussions in groups
What competences can you develop through this game? 
How would they help you in a professional and personal life?
Which team members’ answers surprised you the most?

Further discussion topics
Active participation